Welcome to our Music Library!
Here you'll find our tracks - ready for commercial use
We have 15 000+ tracks, songs and instrumentals in our music library from all our great composers.
Instead of saying it with words, say it with music!
To find good suggestions for your needs, simply provide us with an example of a similar song you want your music to sound like.
If you want music similar to AC/DC "Thunderstruck", Rihanna "Umbrella" or something completely different, just upload it and let us do our magic.
You'll get our best suggestions, ready for purchase and commercial use.
Say it with music!
We don't want you to spend hours scrolling through hundreds of songs and we know you already have something in mind. Provide us with a similar song to what your'e looking for by uploading it or share a link to it from Spotify or Youtube.
Select your favourite section - the key to success!
When you have uploaded or linked the reference song, select the part of it you want to find matches for. Is it the intro, the solo or the chorus you love? Adjust the highlighted area to focus on your favourite part.
Let the magic happen!
Experience the joy of effortlessly finding the ideal music for your commercial project. Now you'll get a curated short-list from our library with our best matches based on what you've told us.
When you find something you like and are ready to purchase, just drop us a line and we'll provide you with price, contidions and licence.
Create a user to enjoy our Music Library
Need some sparring?
Get in touch with our Music Supervisor for advice and recommendations
If you like to do it the manual way, here are typical things we will discuss:
- Your brand profile and values
- Intended audience / target group
- Desired music genre
- Desired instrumentation
- Mood
- Broadcast platforms